


Lump on the forehead: If the lump has been present for 3 years and is gradually increasing in size and is painful it needs to be seen by a Plastic Surgeon.How old are you and who noticed it first you or the family !!!.Investigations may not be conclusive but a Sonography may help.Let your surgeon suggest the test but get checked by us soon.

Dark armpits can be lightened for limited periods as long as the cream is used, its better not to do a prolonged usage since they can be harmful in the long run. Stretch marks can only be lightened by whatever treatment you take, they can’t be removed. Microdermabrasion, or laser would not delete it.

Persisting scar on forehead: No ointment or surgery would eliminate the scar.Plastic Surgery can help to make it look less conspicuous by doing scar revision or dermabrasion if required.Use sunscreen to reduce the pigmentation and consult a Plastic Surgeon.
It would be best to see us in the clinic, we can examine you and give the best suggestion.If the breast size is large then reduction surgery would be the best choice.The shape and size would change considerably and the dressing sense and appearance would be better and in some, it reduces the neck and back pain also.

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    Small Breast: At 23 years most of the development is complete and no medicines taken orally or any thing applied externally will help. Some women do get larger breasts after pregnancy.Breast size does not affect its function or sensibility and so one should not be perturbed unless your image bothers you. In that case getting Silicone Breast Implants would be the best thing.It is a simple surgery with very gratifying and long-lasting results.

    With age, some people put on weight and fulness of the face.Have you lost a lot of weight recently???, then you need to see a physician to know the cause. If you are a teenager and are worried about skinny face the best way would be to go for FILLERS by a Plastic Surgeon.There are temporary and permanent fillers but in my opinion, FAT as a Filler is the best, very cost effective and permanent.

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    Acne scar or No medication or ointment can remove a scar. Plastic Surgery is generally the best answer.it does not remove the scar but can improve the quality significantly.Please send your close-up photographs or visit the clinic personally so that better opinion can be given. If very superficial then laser treatment may help but if they are wide spread and deep then surgical dermabrasion may be the treatment of choice.Getting yourself examined would be the best thing for a right opinion.
    Breast enlargement.If the breasts are very small then Plastic surgery would be the best option.breast implants are very safe and give long term gratifying results.If the breast substance is there but is loose then the breast can be lifted up without adding an implant.If u are not surgically inclined then use a padded bra.No medicines or exercise will help.

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